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The views and opinions expressed by Guest Columnists
at Rense.com do not necessarily reflect the views and opinons
of Jeff Rense or the website. We offer these writers in the
spirit of Free Speech and Free communication of
differing points of view.

Dave Martin

Immigration - Song Parody

Ruble Thursday - Video

James Forrestal, Harry Truman and Israel

Big George Floyd - Song Parody

Immigration - Song Satire


The Zionist Mentality and Method

Netanyahu’s Slacker Son

CIA Is Finally Pulling The Plug On Biden-Harris

Lawrence of Arabia and Yevgeny Prigozhin

Eighty-One Million Votes

About Those White House Surveillance Cameras

The Most Under-Reported Big News Story

Moon Landing - Nice Trip If You Can Take It

A Response to the Gay Agenda…
Too Little, Too Late

April in Washington

Free Fallin' Lightfoot

Getting a Grip on Thomas Merton's Murder

Black Like Whom? Mystery Man, John Howard Griffin

Horror in South Africa as a blueprint for
Europe? Whites Brutally Discriminated Against
- Forced Into Shacks, Starving

'Kill and Replace Whites' - What Were You
Saying About Those Nutty Conspiracy
Theorists Again?

Biden Promises to Starve Americans and
in 2022 Until Today Food Plants Are Being

The Current Appeal of Derek Chauvin in the
Case of the Death of George Floyd - Pt 1

The Current Appeal of Derek Chauvin in the
Case of the Death of George Floyd - Pt 2

The Kalergi Plan And The Destruction Of Europe

The Thomas Merton Autopsy that Wasn’t

The Unforgettable WWI Christmas Truce 1914

Ideology (song parody)

Shame (song parody)

Stasi USA

Echoes of 'Bombs and Propaganda'

Mark Middleton, Meet Daniel Best

Fooling Us Badly with Psyops (song parody)

NFL Coach Fined $100,000 for Reflecting
Critics of Jan 6 Narrative

The Scourge Of Abortion

We Will Dox You (song parody)

All They Need Is Fraud (song parody)

Vaccines (Song parody)

Baby, Bad Uncle Sam (Song Parody)

The Ballad of Nina Jankowicz

Video Removed From YouTube
As ‘Hate Speech'

Bad, Bad Uncle Sam - Video

To A Journalist Dying Youngish (parody)

American Press Beating Familiar War Drums

To a Journalist Dying Old (parody)

Big Pharma Shills (song parody)

Vaccines (song parody)

Important Assassination Movie Quashed

DC Dave’s ‘Putin Never Quits’ Video

Lookin' for Truth in All the Wrong Places
(song parody)

The Battle against Covid-19 (song parody)

'John Lennon's' Greatest Hit

Poppins Pops a Red Pill (song parody)

Mother Teresa, Fr. Richard Rohr, and Thomas Merton

I Am Science (song parody)

Deranged Court Historian Douglas Brinkley on
Jan 6

Thomas Merton's Stage-Prop Fan (song parody)

Give Us Mob Rule (song parody)

Was Thomas Merton 'Eliminated' Because
of Vietnam War Opposition?

Finding David - An American Wife Betrayed
by Her Government

Bidenized (song parody video)

Rampant 'Righteousness'
and the COVID Cult

It's Not New (song parody)

Moderna (song parody video)

Joe Biden, 2021 (song parody)

'Dean of Cold War Historians'
on James Forrestal

Vaccination (song parody)

Bidenized (song parody)

Untruths In Forrestal Book Review

An 'Adult Content' YouTube Video

Godfather of Soviet Containment
Is Cancel Culture Victim

Twenty Years (song parody)

Bye Bye Guts - Video

I Read the News (song parody video)

Fauci (song parody)

What A Miserable World (Song Parody)

HR 1619 - The Hate Flag Act of 2021

Trust Wikipedia on Covid? (song parody)

The CIA Hit on Thomas Merton - Video

Vernon Jones Throws Down On CNN - Watch

Was Vince Foster's Murder over Pedophilia?

Vince Foster - The Deep State's Worst
Murder Coverup - Watch

The Count Is The Thing (Song Parody)

American Militias After the Civil War

YouTube - Talking Truth about Jewish Power
is now called 'Hate Speech'

What a Miserable World! (song parody)

A Korean Doctor Zhivago

Giuliani (song parody)

Ken Starr's Contempt for Your Intelligence

Crisis in Ukraine and the Nordstream II
Gas Pipeline

They Want to Take Me Away (song parody)

Thomas Merton
Enemy of the Warfare State - Vid

DC Dave - 'Moderna' (song parody)

Intimidated Witness Forgives Kenneth Starr

Jefferson Davis In His Own Words

YouTube Censorship (song parody)

The Actual Dark Side of Dr. Seuss?

All Star 1996 Panel on Vince Foster's Death

CIA Election Meddling

Vince Foster, Race and Davidson College Snowflakes

Joe (song parody)

Kavanaugh Stabbed Supporters And The Nation
in the Back over Vote

Undeserving Respect

Covid Vaccine (song parody)

Swamp Creature (song parody)

Letter to William Styron about Vince Foster's

YouTube's Complete Corruption Revealed

The New World Order (song parody)

Washington DC - The City of the Cold Shoulder

The Night They Burned Our Lady Down (song parody)

A Country They Own (song parody)

The Host & the Parasite

The AIPAC Roll Call

Did the CIA Murder Thomas Merton? (audio)

Roman Catholicism and Zionism Are Irreconcilable

A Party That's Gone Mad (song parody)

Professor Secretly Trashes Merton Book

AOC Insanity (song parody)

Zionism Contradicts Judaism

Watching The News Shows (song parody)

Remember the Liberty (song parody)

Congressional Sell-Outs to Israel (song parody)

Demographics on the Ground

Befuddled Juror in Thomas Merton Book Verdict

Key False Document in the Thomas Merton Death Case

Hillbilly Agent?

Scarce News On Admiral Stearney's Death
Looks Like He Was Suicided...Like Boorda

Penn Jones and the Thomas Merton Cover-Up

Gary Hart - The Front Runner

Daniel Best: Trump's Vince Foster?

Thomas Merton and Patrick Knowlton

Bombs and Propaganda - (song parody)

Football Miracle in Maryland

A Street Named McCain (song parody)

What Causes 'Anti-Semitism'?

The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton (audio interview)

Elizabeth Warren, My Fellow Okie

DC Dave - Fauxcahontas and the No-Call List?

DC Dave - Gatekeeper (song parody)

Persistent Lies About Murdered US Secretary
Of Defense James Forrestal

Never a Choice (song lyrics)

Misdirection on Thomas Merton's Death

At What Cost? - Vid

Open Letter On Kavanaugh-Foster

A North Korean Defector's Story

Waxing Indignant Over 9/11 Truth - Vid

'Seth Rich Confidante' Escaped To Russia

Wordpress Joins The Censorship War On America

A Song For Hillary (Lyrics)

Who Really Killed Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Thomas Merton's Death and Fake Opposition

Christopher Ruddy On Brett Kavanaugh

YouTube Censorship Really Hits Home

Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the Murder of Vincent Foster (video)

Is The Fix In For Trump's Supreme Court Nominee?

I Hope You Learn (song lyrics)

What We Know about Thomas Merton's Death

Parade Of Lies about Thomas Merton's Death

I Read The News (song lyrics)

Torture Queen (song lyrics)

Talk Show Hostess Continues Merton Death Cover-Up

Amazon Censorship Hits Home

So Wrong about Thomas Merton's Death (song lyrics)

Why Hillary Used A Private Server

How Britain Initiated Both World Wars

War Is Not A 'Single Issue'

Merton's Message Resonates As Nuclear Holocaust Looms

A Walk Through Korea

The Mystery Of Thomas Merton's Death Solved

Propaganda Press Flailing Over Amelia Earhart

David Martin


The Hot Potato Of Thomas Merton's Death

Dental Cruelty

David Martin


DC Dave - Mount Obama

Thomas Merton, Anti-War Hero

The Nunes Memo & Vince Foster

Devin Nunes and the USS Liberty

The Scourge

Is the American Press the Enemy of the People?

The Lunatic Fringe

The Israel Club March

Song of Love for Israel

Sucked into Fighting for Jews

College Sports Executives Salaries Soar

Cheated - The Massive UNC Athletic Scandal Exposed

Trump Half Right on Immigration, Hispanic Crime

Professors Can't Explain Vince Foster's Last Ride

Trump's Gorgeous Wife Nude?

Jay Billington Trump and The Post

The Clintons' War On Women - A Review

DC Dave - The Strange Death Of Vincent Foster


Onward Christian Soldiers - A Review

Sidney Blumenthal, Vince Foster And The Deep State

A Vietnam Grunt's "Guardian Angel"

The Pope, Jingoism And The Truth

Who Killed James Forrestal, Part 5

Spartacus Drops The Ball On Forrestal

Post Gushes Over Top Red Screenwriter

Press, Justice System Hit New Low in Alien Smuggling


American Betrayal - A Review

The Pope, Conscience And 9/11

The Death of the Grown-Up

Dylann Roof And Jared Taylor

Google Buries My Revelations Of Hillary's Lesbianism

Post Omits Hamid Gul's 9/11 Doubts from Obituary

What Did Anne Frank Have Against Americans?

Wikipedia's Greatest Misses

Dust-up With History Prof Over Rebel Flag Continues

Johnny Reb and Billy Yank Flag Debate Continues

Letter To An Historian Over Foster And The Clintons


Gay Marriage Now - What's Next?

The 'Rebel' Flag And The 'Civil War' Debated

Wrist Slap for Top Alien Smuggler?

What Does The Stars And Bars Represent?

Hypocrite Watch - The Tribe

White, Racist, Supremacist, Confederate, Hater, Terrorist

'Bernie Sanders Wins By Not Giving Oral Sex To A Donkey'

Did We Pull The Plug On The Shah?

The American (Establishment) Catholic and Forrestal

Circumcision - As American As Mom, Apple Pie And Baseball?

Is She Onboard With The Cover-Up? - Kenneth Starr Has Questions About Departing Paralegal


Somebody To Bomb - Vid

Frightening GMO Food Fraud

Largest Known US Vietnam War Atrocity

About That Obama 'Movement'

Letter To Court Historian About Forrestal's (Murder)

'Love Song' For Israel - Vid

USDOL Embraces Major Alien Smuggler

Trifling With Twitter

How To Become A 'Made Man' In The Media

The Cuban Cigar Scam

How Brian Williams Almost 'Chinookered' Us

Rotten Goulden...Corn


The Enemy At Our Back

Ben Bradlee, Secret-Government Stalwart - Updated

Feds Pile New Charges On Top Alien Smuggler

Putin Never Quits - Vid

The Counsel, the Cop, and the Keys

Did Lyndon Step Down So Bobby Could Be Killed?

Somebody To Bomb - Vid

Parade Magazine's Latest Bunkum On 9/11

PBS Lies for FDR over Allegations by Whittaker Chambers

Who Killed James Forrestal? - Part 2

A Tale Of Two Obituaries


Presstitutes…A Literary Toast - Vid

James Forrestal And John Kennedy

Video Of Labor Goon Slugging Union Man In NC

Forrestal, Skippy Creator Shared Similar Fate

Why Senator Joe McCarthy Had To Be Destroyed

Man Awarded PhD For Trashing Martin, Forrestal

Letters To Historians On Forrestal's Death

Zionism...The False Messiah

Bin Laden's Home Video: - The Missing Portion


Silence Broken In UNC Athletic Scandal

Hillary's Secret War

Mass Chemtrails Over Montreux, Switzerland On 5-31-14

Flight 93 Ordered Shot Down

Pernicious Zionism Revealed

Did A Soviet Agent Cause The Pearl Harbor Attack?

Martin And Irvine On Vince Foster - Vid

'A Letter To The Poet Laureate'

News Suppression In Action

AP Gives Alien Smugglers 'Infomercial'


Anonymous CIA Official Dies Violently

Pearl Harbor vs 9/11

Was Franklin Roosevelt A Communist?

Simon Winchester's Smooth Forked Tongue

Double Agent Ruddy Reaching For Media Pinnacle

A Lawyer's Case For Harry Hopkins


Has Obama Gone Bulworth On Alien Smuggling?

No Source For Hanging-Priests Calumny

Kathleen Willey Dissects Hillary Clinton

Suppressed Letters On Adolf Eichmann & Vince Foster

Harry Hopkins And FDR's Commissars

Crazy Uncle Michael - Vid

We Came, We Saw, He Died - Vid

Post Reporter Continues Forrestal Cover-up


Associated Press Pushes Statehood For Puerto Rico

A.Word.A.Day On 'McCarthyism'

America’s Press Addresses JFK Dissent

Washington, DC

Painting Horns And Moustaches

Parade Magazine In Full Propaganda Mode

The Kennedy Assassination And The Press

Dissenting Memo Surfaces From Starr Team

Kessler, Ruddy And The Parade Of Lies

Syria - War On Iran Through The Back Door?

Jews, Catholics Bury The Hatchet...In SecDef James Forrestal

Jews Wrong Fans Of Modern Popes?

The Press And The Death Of Vincent Foster

Turley - The Other Florida Shooting


Spook Journalist Goulden

The Gross Improbability Of The DC Madam's Suicide

Children's Fantasy Writers

Cornell Simpson On J. Robert Oppenheimer

The Chertoff Century


Covering Up Zionist Crime?

FDR's Right-Hand Perjurer?

The Muted News Of The Zimmerman Lawsuit

The Todashev Killing And The House Of Cards

The Institute Of Pacific Relations And The Betrayal Of China

More Forrestal Fiction

Conversation With A Zionist On James Forrestal's Murder

Could Barack Obama Really Go Bulworth?

Post Suppresses News On Rosie's 9/11 Doubts

The Great Monica Lewinsky Misdirection

Vince Foster's Valuable Murder

A Song For 9/11 - Vid

FDR Winked At Soviet EspionageFalling To Pieces For Israel - Vid

How We Gave The Russians The Bomb

We're The USA - Vid

Terms Of Opprobrium

Elia Kazan And The Ongoing Communist Whitewash

Harry Hopkins Hosted A Soviet Spy Cell

Doonesbury Propaganda

When The Roll Is Called By AIPAC

American Victims Of The Soviet Gulag

Who Killed James Forrestal? Part 4

Homeland Insecurity

So Lance Lied - So What?

Stalin's Secret Agents...The Subversion Of FDR's Govt

Oliver Stone On The Japanese Surrender

The Federal 'Security' Sham - Vid

Did Truman's Poor Reading Skills Give Us Israel?

Vince Foster, Richard Cory And Abe Lincoln

James Carroll On The James Forrestal Murder

Roanoke - Solving The Mystery Of The Lost Colony

DC Siege Decorations

Who Killed James Forrestal?

Roosevelt's Revenge?

A Condensation Of Military Incompetence

Chomsky, The Fraud, On 9/11

How FDR Dragged Out WW II For Stalin

FDR Tipped Pro-Soviet Hand Early

The Ultimatum That Gave Us Pearl Harbor

Who Killed James Forrestal? Part 6

Was Katharine Graham Killed Over 9/11?

PBS Makes Doubting 9/11 Story Respectable


Edna Buchanan's Embarrassment

The Old Zionist Smear Machine

The New York Times And Joseph Stalin

CNN Censors Richard Belzer

Hillary Clinton And The Amelia Earhart Coverup

Groping Granny For Show

Burdick, Mitchell On Hart, Rice

Martin - Obama Biographer Crude Propagandist

Martial Machismo - At What Cost?

Obama, The Song - Vid

Foster Case Liar Resurfaces Defending Drone War

Watergate Lies Multiplied - The Fiction of Frost/Nixon

Spooks On The Hill

Mencken And More On Lincoln's Speech

17 Techniques For Truth Suppression

'Jews' Tried To Kill Truman In 1947

Indifference To Tyranny

Is Hillary Clinton A Lesbian?


More Abuse Of Psychiatry In The JFK Coverup

Washington Post Distorts Trayvon Martin News

Do We Still Have Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's Sons?

Lies About The Kennedy And Forrestal Deaths

The Enormous Crime Of Abandoning POWs

Upton Sinclair And Timothy McVeigh

Three Important Assassinations?


FDR Envoy Slaps Down Top Zionist

The Zionist Mentality And Method

Who Is Citizens United?

Taped Exchange Exposes 'Pit Bull' Dan Burton As Yapping Lap Dog

Baylor, You Have A Problem

James Forrestal And Joe McCarthy

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